Drag items you want to take with you camping into the campsite:
(If you get stuck, tap on the items for hints - tap on them again to hide them again)
It is a good idea to bring camp cookware with you! Leave your fine china at home, though.
Couches are HEAVY! Do yourself and your parents a favor a favor and leave this at home.
Scrape your knee? Good thing you remembered your first aid kit! These are helpful anywhere.
Without the electricity you have in your home, you will be glad you have a flaghlight to help you see in the dark!
Whoaaa there partner! Leave the fridge at home and find something more portable.
What games can you play without electricity? Plenty! Take some fun things to play with between hikes.
Good choice! You will want to keep your food cool and fresh at your campsite.
Feel that chill? Good thing you remembered a jacket! Always prepare for changing weather.
Good idea! Matches are a good way to light a good campfire.
We can't always take all of the amenities of home when we go camping! Find another way to heat your food.
Yes! Slepeing bags give us a warm and protected place to sleep while we're away from home.
Tents are always a good idea to take along while you're out camping! It will protect you from the elements.
Leave this at home and take time to enjoy nature! Besides, most campsites wouldn't have a place to plug it in.
Wood is a very handy thing to have while camping! You may even be able to find some at your campsite without bringing it along yourself.
Leave the gaming consoles at home! Your friends on Discord, Steam, X-Box Live, or PSN won't mind you being gone for a day or two.
Drag items don't want to take with you back home: